Welcome to the website of ISWIM, the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion
ISWIM is a global association representing all those with an interest in the weighing of vehicles when in motion. Our members include researchers, vendors and end-users of WIM technology and data. Our aims are to support advances in the different WIM technologies and to promote the more widespread application of WIM systems and data.
For a short introduction on who we are and what we do: ISWIM Introduction
We do this through the organisation of international conferences, regional seminars and workshops, on WIM technology and applications and through the promotion of the use of WIM systems and data at exhibitions and trade fairs. Our next events are:
Expand your knowledge about WIM with our Users Guide.
The guide covers different aspects related to the specification, working, purchase, installation, calibration, testing, operation and maintenance of WIM systems, and the application of the data they produce.
These topics are described in an easy-to-understand language, for those interested in more detailed and scientific explanations, references to these detailed reports are included.

Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) is a technology that can be used for various applications related to the weights and axle loads of road and rail vehicles. WIM systems are installed on the road or rail track or on a vehicle and measure, store and provide data from the traffic flow and/or the specific vehicle.
WIM systems measure the dynamic axle loads of the vehicles and try to calculate the best possible estimate of the related static values. The WIM systems have to perform unattended, under harsh traffic and environmental conditions, often without any control over the way the vehicle is moving, or the driver is behaving.
These conditions have an impact on the quality and reliability of the data measured by the WIM system and of the durability of the sensors and WIM system itself. As a result a successful implementation of a WIM system requires specific knowledge and experience.
WIM community
The global WIM community comprises three stakeholder groups:
- Users of WIM and the information it collects
- Academics and researchers in WIM technology and its associated data
- Vendors that provide WIM products and/or services.
Though its activities – and this website – ISWIM tries to better inform all stakeholders to the use, myriad applications and appreciation of the information that is collected by WIM.

ISWIM Young Researcher Award 2021.
ISWIM offers scholarships to young professionals, students, or post docs up to five years after graduation working on WIM-related research projects.
In 2021 ISWIM has awarded two young researchers and will sponsor the travel and registration expenses to present their work at the 9th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion (ICWIM9) in Australia in 2023.
Latest News
ISWIM Newslatter 2024-3
Here you will find the second, August edition of the [...]
ISWIM Newsletter – 2024-2
Here you will find the second, August edition of the [...]
ISWIM Honorary Membership for Eugene O’Brien
The ISWIM Board is pleased to announce that Professor Eugene [...]

Applications of WIM
There are many applications for WIM systems and WIM data. Often the same WIM systems can be used for more than one application.
- Statistics on traffic loading: detailed and accurate loading information is an important input both for design of new road infrastructure (roads and bridges) and planning of the maintenance of the existing infra.
- Weight enforcement: WIM systems offer various applications that will assist in a more efficient and effective weight enforcement ranging from planning of controls, pre-selection, company profiling and direct weight enforcement.
- Tolling by weight: where the road users pay a toll fee based on the actual weight and/or axle loads of their vehicles determined by the WIM system.
- Industrial applications: at ports, industrial and logistic centres where the WIM systems check the weights and axle loads of trucks entering and/or leaving the site.
- Railway WIM: WIM systems installed in railway tracks may be used for rail track design and maintenance, train maintenance and rail track access pricing.