CVSA-FHWA-ISWIM Webinar 2024
The next in a line of successful events held by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and ISWIM will be a Webinar on the use of WIM systems for weight enforcement. The webinar will be held on Thursday November 14th 2023 from 11:00-15:00 (EST). In fact, this year there will be two webinars:
– Part 1: a ‘WIM 101’ from 11:00–12:00 EST with a general introduction to the basics of WIM systems, data and their applications, intended for staff new to WIM. – Part 2: the main webinar from 13:00-15:00 EST on the use of ‘WIM for Enforcement’ with an update on the use of WIM as screening tool for weigh stations from Maine, the pilot of WIM for direct enforcement in New York City, the extension of the NIST Handbook 44 with requirements for High Speed WIM systems for direct enforcement. Finally the part on new WIM technologies will focus on Bridge WIM systems and their specific applications and advantages for weight enforcement. Participation of the webinars will be free of charge, you will just have to register via the link that is included in the full program.The full program of the webinar can be found <here>

ANTT-Labtrans-ISWIM WIM Webinar
Over the years the ANTT, LabTrans and ISWIM have held a number of successful events in Brazil focused on the use of WIM systems for weight enforcement. In recent years there have been important developments in the WIM technology (sensors and systems) and their applications for size & weight enforcement and transport & truck safety. ANTT and ISWIM in cooperation with Labtrans felt that the time is right for a follow up event building on with previous editions and focused on these recent developments.
The full program of the webinar can be found <Here>
The webinar will be held on Wednesday October 30th 2024 from 09:00-11:45 (BRT). Participation will be free of charge, you just have to register at: https://bit.ly/3N8nbGg. After registration you will receive a confirmation email and a link to join the webinar (MS Teams).
ISWIM Webinar - Unlocking the Potential of WIM Data for Bridges
Thursday 16th May, 2024 – 10:00 – 12:00 Eastern Standard Time; 15:00 – 17:00 Central European Time Link to join the webinar: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/67965444055 The International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (ISWIM) is organizing another webinar on the use of WIM systems and data. This webinar will present practical examples of how WIM data can be used for common bridge problems. It is targeted at bridge owners and managers who are not necessarily experts in WIM. Interested? For now; just save the date. A more detailed program will be provided later on. This online ISWIM webinar is free of charge.