Every one or two years (depending on the scheduled ISWIM events), ISWIM offers scholarships to bachelor, master and PhD students, or post docs up to five years after graduation working on WIM-related research projects. ISWIM will fully sponsor the travel and registration expenses for recipients to present their work at the next major ISWIM event. In principle the sponsorship from ISWIM will not exceed 2.000 Euro. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the travel restrictions and related cancellation of in-person events the ISWIM scholarship was suspended for two years. As a result in 2023 ISWIM will sponsor the winners of the 2021 edition to present their work at the 9th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion in Brisbane, Australia.
The winners of the 2021 scholarship are: Mr. Amin Moghadam, a Ph.D. candidate in civil and structural engineering at Virginia Tech in Virginia, USA and Mr. Lucas Franceschi, an engineer and researcher at LabTrans in Florianopolis, Brazil. The call for the next edition of the ISWIM scholarship will be announced later this year via this website, our Newsletter and LinkedIn Group.
Applicants for the scholarship must be bachelor, master and PhD students, or post docs up to five years after graduation working on WIM-related research projects. They should demonstrate a passion for WIM through either their studies or early professional life and show “substantial evidence” of their research. “Substantial evidence” could be an original contribution in the form of a journal or conference paper; a report; or a series of presentations that clearly defines the scope of the project, technical approach, and anticipated or final conclusion(s). Applicants should send their CV, two reference letters, and an abstract up to 1000 words with supporting “substantial evidence” of their work. Submissions should be emailed to Lily Poulikakos at lily.poulikakos@empa.ch.