ISWIM End-Users
ISWIM has many members working as an end-user of WIM systems and data both in public and private organisations. They may be involved in the design and maintenance of roads pavements and bridges, weight enforcement, traffic safety, tolling by weight, transportation management to mention just a few.
At the moment the end-users of WIM are not (yet) organized in a formal ISWIM forum. The periodical International Conferences on WIM (ICWIM’s), Regional Seminars on WIM (RSWIM’s) and numerous Workshops/Webinars are an excellent opportunity for end-users to get an update on the latest developments in WIM technology, applications and implementations from around the world and to exchange experiences and discuss new developments with fellow end-users.
If you are a end-user looking for information on WIM, would like to reach out to fellow ISWIM users or have an idea for an End-User workshop/webinar just send us an email at: