After 55 years General Electrodynamics Corporation continues to take pride in our quality ground vehicle scales. There are several different scales for many different weighing applications. Hand Held Portable or Semi-Portable Axle Scales.
Our portable truck scales are the most durable scales in the market and have a reputation of being virtually indestructible. GEC makes the most rugged, durable, reliable scales which is why our products are widely used all across the globe being trusted by law enforcement, government agencies, and militaries. Our patented design has a non-skid bottom to prevent any slipping that could come with weighing on uneven surfaces, including unconventional and uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, tar, cement, or asphalt. GEC’s portable scales have all these qualities while still exceeding NIST Handbook 44 and NTEP requirements for Class IV devices exemplifying their accuracy.
The Deployable Weighing and Cargo Profiling System (DWCPS) is a user-friendly, portable or fixed–in-ground, vehicle measuring and weighing system. The WIM-VPS consists of 3 major components: The Vehicle Profiling System (VPS), the Weigh in Motion Scale System, and the Smart Controller.
The Vehicle Profiling System (VPS) takes automatic and precise measurements of a moving vehicle, providing length, width, height, and speed using 3 lasers, and generates a 3D point cloud image of the vehicle profile. The (VPS) system is integrated with a light-weight, Weigh in Motion (WIM) scale system. The WIM scale system captures and stores the vehicle axle weights, gross weight and calculates the vehicle speed. Both the VPS and the WIM are integrated with a central Controller which processes the data and can interface with 3rd party user applications.
The GEC Weigh in Motion (WIM) system is available in two configurations, in ground or portable and both have several optional features.
In static mode, the WIM produces an accuracy of +/- 1.0 % or better while dynamic mode maintains an accuracy of +/- 2.0%. The system provides the gross weight and axle weights as well as vehicle ID and driver information. With the optional vehicle profiling feature, the system provides the vehicle length, width, and height as well as weight and center of balance of the weighed vehicle. The user can print the information or save the files in text format. The stored files can be transferred to other devices. The GEC WIM scales are available with a wireless option as well.
For an overview of some of our projects, please see www.gecscales.com/truck-scales/wim-weighing-motion-scales/

General Electrodynamics Corporation (GEC)
8000 Calender Road
Arlington, Texas 76001, USA
Harold O. THOMAS
+1 817 572 0366