Corner Stone Int. is a small consultancy company specialised in Weigh-In-Motion, founded in March 2013 and is based in the Italian speaking part of in Switzerland (Ticino). Founder of the company is Hans van Loo who has been involved in the field of Weigh-In-Motion technology and applications for more than 20 years. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente, The Netherlands and has been working for the Dutch National Traffic Police Agency, Rijkswaterstaat of the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Kalibra as a technology advisor and project manager. Since 2013 he works as an independent consultant for various international clients, both end users and vendors of WIM systems. He is founding member and currently coordinator of promotional activities of the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (ISWIM).
Corner Stone can give you a realistic overview of what to expect when using WIM systems:
- What performance may be expected of a WIM system under your specific conditions (roads, pavement, traffic, temperature, etc.) in terms of accuracy, reliability and durability;
- What is involved in the implementation of a WIM system, including: site selection, system requirements, system design, installation and test procedures;
- What activities are required during the operation of a WIM system, this includes: maintenance, calibration and data quality management.
Corner Stone can assist you in the implementation of WIM systems through:
- Dedicated training for you – or your customer – to get an overview of the applications and advantages of using WIM;
- Preparation of a business case supporting the investment in WIM for your situation;
- Specifying and selecting the right WIM system for your application under your conditions;
- Assistance in the preparation of tender documents and evaluation of offers;
- Site selection, selecting the best location to install a WIM;
- Supervision of system and sensor installation, to prevent possible errors;
- Consultancy on how to set up a data quality management system for your WIM systems;
- Mediation in case of a dispute on the performance of a WIM system between the user/buyer and the vendor.
Specific references are available on request.

Via Ai Crott 5
6702 Claro, Switzerland
+41 799 360 706